Mattress Recycling Guide: Why to Do It

Usually, we have heard about paper & plastic recycling. But have you heard about mattress recycling? No? It has become quite essential to get mattresses recycled. As more than 20 million mattresses are disposed of, 800 million cubic feet of landfills are wasted. That’s a lot of spring and foam in one place without biodegradation. So, the mattress needs to be recycled. The recycling industry has made it a priority to do mattress recycling. You will find multiple service providers that do mattress recycling.

Let’s learn in more depth why we need to do mattress recycling in Vancouver BC.

1- Not biodegradable

Did you know the material used in mattresses is not biodegradable? So, it means when you dispose of your mattress, and it ends up in a landfill, it takes up unnecessary space.

The mattress spends decades in landfills, even centuries taking up space without any degradation. If you do mattress recycling in Vancouver, you can help landfills exist longer and reduce their carbon footprint.

2- Can cause damage to equipment

Mattresses are made up of large, heavy-duty frames. So, landfill workers have to bring in special equipment to break it down. The process is rigid on that equipment which is highly expensive, and it can get damaged.

The spring inside the mattress can cause damage to that expensive equipment. Rather than disposing of in landfills which can possibly damage some equipment, mattress recycling in Vancouver seems like a reasonable thing.

3- Chemicals can leach out

The breakdown process of a mattress requires a lot of energy, and thus, a huge carbon footprint gets left behind. It is very harmful to the environment. Even the material used to make mattress consist of toxic chemicals & petroleum-based products.

They impact the surrounding landfills negatively. If these chemicals get seeped into the ground, they cause soil & water pollution in the surrounding areas.

4- Landfills get overflowed

The landfills are already overflowing due to so much waste & disposal. There is an infinite amount of trash these grounds hold. Upon that mattress take up a lot of space. Even making them landfill ready causes environmental hazards.

When old landfills get overflow, a new place needs to be created. For which the space needs to be cleared of natural and animal habitats. The space could have been used for something more than a waste landfill.

Parting thoughts

So, these are why mattress recycling in Vancouver BC is essential. Junkyard Angel is the place to contact a service provider for mattress recycling services. They provide services to stop environmental hazards. Through mattress recycling, many benefits can be incurred.

Simon Clarke is the author of this article. To know more about Reasons to Recycle Your Mattress please visit our website:

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